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The Best Half Of My Life!

Writer's picture: Matthew CossensMatthew Cossens

September 7th, 22 marks the date of the best half of my life. On this date I am 40 years and 2 months and 1 day old. So what makes the last 20 years and 1 month and 1 day (and every day after this) different to the first half? Why is it the best half of my life?

The short answer to why the last 20,1,1 is the best half of my life is simple.

It all started on a Friday night, 2 dozen roses, a note ‘For a night to remember’, and an invitation to Breezes at Crown. From this date Simone and I were officially ‘going out’ 😊

But that wouldn’t be much of a blog now, would it?

So let me go a little deeper on why this has been the best half of my life? What have been some of the lessons I’ve learnt along the way?

My first 20, 1, 1, in a nutshell was straight forward. In short form, without going too deep:

  • A standard childhood with a normal family and 2 brothers

  • A rough public school (thanks Mooroolbark Heights Secondary College) that had a poor reputation in the area, average academics results for its students but did give me a degree in street smarts

  • Starting an actual Bachelor’s Degree in Business

  • A love for basketball, playing and training nearly everyday

  • A competitive spirit and will to win in everything I did

  • Quite an impressive afro, corn rows like Snoop Dogg, Bantu/Zulu knots and a love for rap and R&B.

The next 20, 1, 1 started with simple beginnings as I was still working full time while completing my Bachelors Degree and finding time for our new relationship. Fast forward 18 months, my degree was concluding and Simone’s Dad gave his blessing for us to get married if we purchased our first property.

To help in this endeavour he secured me a night shift role at Coles stacking shelves. I spent 8-9 months working day shift (in retail sales) and night shift to save us much money as possible to save for a deposit. I practically lived at their house to make this happen.

Those 16-18 hour days (plus travel) taught me the value of hard work, (on top of my upbringing) hustle and that you needed to sacrifice to get what you want. All of this holds true to this day.

From there we got married and moved into our first house.

Our first year of marriage was highlighted by 2 minute noodles, sausages in bread, vegemite on toast, a $50 weekly shop (max!) and the cheapest furniture possible. (Fantastic Furniture) This had to be constantly repaired/rebuilt by our father in law. It was tough, we both came from very different families (mine all boys, Simone’s all girls) and the adjustment to living together on top of the complexities of finance was a challenge. This is where we truly learnt what commitment meant……to one another, the future and our goals. We also learnt the value of communication!

This also coincided with my move into recruitment where a 10-12 hour day was considered demanding and you would be paid a commission for doing your job successfully. 😊 Needless to say I was hooked and I could see that by helping people (clients and candidates be successful) I had the opportunity to help myself and our family situation.

Thankfully my career went from strength to strength with the help of amazing mentors, teachers and in an organisation of high performers. This led to us having big goals, dreams and the ability to bring them to life. We really have achieved more than we can imagine together.

I learnt the power of lifelong education, (and real personal development not ROTE learning) found my passion for growth, began to understand my strengths as a human being and how I could use these to help others find success and for us to be stronger together.

This in turn has helped me succeed as a leader, husband and father.

From there we built a beautiful family and I am blessed to have 2 girls, (Kyrah and Mirelle) who are my world, my why and a constant reminder of all that is good in the world.

It has been an amazing 20, 1, 1 that I reflect on everyday with gratitude for all it has given me and expectations for the future ahead.

There have been plenty of ups and downs but would I change anything? No! Each step along the journey was valuable. There were plenty of valleys that required me to evaluate and find the lessons in, along with mountaintops (successes) that we would celebrate together.

What I do know though is the best is yet to come!

20 observations from the last 20,1, 1 (in no particular order)

  1. Give you partner your best

  2. Know their love languages and spontaneously act on them

  3. Couples that train together, stay together. I love training with my wife during the week.

  4. Communicate, communicate, communicate. Communicate some more. Be clear.

  5. Have high expectations of each other (communicate these often)

  6. Have big dreams and set goals, (together and individually) share them and execute on them together

  7. Hold each other accountable, always.

  8. Find a partner that compels you to want to be a better person!

  9. Never go to sleep on an argument.

  10. Have a date night, every week

  11. In addition, ensure you have time in your schedule just for the two of you each day

  12. Always work on and expect more from your relationship

  13. Be grateful for your spouse everyday, spend time in this gratitude

  14. Share your gratitude with your spouse

  15. Find ways to have fun

  16. Compromise and make time for each other’s common interests

  17. Have friendships, interests and hobbies outside of each other

  18. Understand your spouse, their needs and triggers in different situations (under stress/pressure, in happy times, when grieving etc)

  19. Continue to learn together on the journey of life

  20. Did I say communicate?

And lastly, have people around you that are examples of what a great relationship looks like, either in your own family or find it in your friendships or a wider circle. These people can provide great counsel when things get tough. We have been blessed to have many examples in our family from our parents, grandparents and great grandparents of what a committed, healthy relationship looks like.

What are your observations, advice or tips from your relationship?

Share your thoughts and feedback below.


@2018 Matthew Cossens

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