We all like to push ourselves hard, we want success, we want to achieve more, push outside of our comfort zone and find new limits. While there is nothing wrong with being driven, chasing dreams and goals, feeling like you have given 120%, finding your beastmode or being the best version of you, there comes a time when you need to listen to your body and mind.
For too long I haven’t believed in ‘being tired’, I thought it was all in your head, it came down to mindset etc. That is both scientifically wrong, a little naïve and probably a small dose of ego getting in the way. I like to push myself each and every year, to find new limits (physically, mentally and emotionally) and while I don’t think there is anything wrong with that I have come to the conclusion that you also need to find a way to recharge your batteries. So what can you do for a quick recharge of the mind and body?
Listen To Music
Numerous studies have shown that this is healthy for you and that the right type of music can lower your heart rate, blood pressure and stress levels. I’m not suggesting we all break out the Kenny G but equally sitting listening to Slipknot may not reduce stress either. Find the tunes you that work for you and let it recharge you.

I love to read both fiction and non fiction. Finding a balance in your reading is important as a good fiction book can reduce mental stress.

Meditation / Prayer
This is part of my daily routine and I find it one of the best ways to reframe my thoughts, find clarity, reduce stress and relax.
Practice Gratitude
The studies are clear that practicing gratitude increases happiness and reduces depression. I have written about this previously. I link this with meditation/prayer as part of my daily routine.

I love to exercise, it releases endorphins and gets me charged for the day. Equally I find it a great stress reducer of an evening. Something about lifting heavy things and putting them back down again just works for me! Or better yet heading down to the MMA gym and punching something that either punches you back or is happy to be hit and not make a sound (ie a punching bag) works for me too! Exercise keeps you healthy and strong, boosts your energy levels and is a great way to wind down.
Play Sport
Similar to the above, this is a great way to reduce stress. I link this in with catching up with family and friends given that my favourite sport is basketball and I have been playing with the same group of guys for approx. 20 years. I confess I may go too hard at the ball and be very driven to win (even though we don’t play in the highest division like we used to when we were younger) but it is a great way to relax and have some fun on a Sunday night. Equally the stories and banter afterwards is worth it!

Find A Hobby
Maybe sport and exercise is not your thing. I would still challenge you to walk, get moving and be active but another great option is to find a hobby. Perhaps painting, writing, doing something creative, woodwork, craft. All of these can help you find a release, a new passion and take your focus of the stress of work.
Go For A Massage Or To The Day Spa
Massages are a great way to relax and reduce stress. Some private health funds also cover this or offer a rebate. It’s not my go to for reducing stress but there are those who swear by it. (particularly my wife!) Equally heading to the day spa can be a great way to pamper yourself and find some down time. I would much rather go boxing but to each their own 😊

Time With Friends & Family
Having a strong and healthy social network is good for your energy levels, inspiration, self-worth and reduces your stress levels. Spend time with the people you love and who energise you the most!
Get Out In Nature / Go For A Walk
This is a great way to rejuvenate your mind. Just getting out doors regardless of the weather for some ‘me’ time is a great way to recharge.

Give To Others
I find this a great way to recharge the batteries. Do a random act of kindness! Think of a simple gesture buy a stranger a coffee, give to someone in need, donate your time, pay it forward. Give with intention and joy. Not sure where to start or feel uncomfortable? Do a random act of kindness for a friend. Google for a list of ideas! It really is that simple.

These are great ways to get a boost or fill the meter back up but you also need to give yourself a full recharge just like you would your mobile phone!
I write this blog at the moment while sitting on the beach in QLD having made the decision to change my annual holiday routine to incorporate an additional break and what a refreshing way to get a full recharge. To fully recharge the batteries on holidays I suggest the following:
Get More Sleep – most people and in particular leaders lack from enough sleep. Most people I know get on average less than 6 hours per sleep, much less than that prescribed to be healthy. Use your holiday to find those extra hours to recharge.
Find A New Routine – change how you start the day or when you train. Have a different routine for your holiday period that focuses on rejuvenation.
Don’t Plan To Do Too Much! – Don’t schedule everyday to have an activity and go, go, go. Find time to rest, read a book, relax etc.
Detach From Work – this might sound difficult but whether it be a day or a week you need to find a way to stay away from emails and text. Resist the urge!! You will benefit from it. From personal experience where I have spent a few days away from email and trusting the team to deliver in my absence I have felt the most refreshed! **A bonus tip in this area is to find a way to detach at home of the evening. Put the phone away at an appropriate time that works for you, turn it off and find a way to distance yourself from work. Mentally disengage – I learnt this tip from Mark Cuban and it has made a big difference.
Have A Digital Detox – stay away from technology. This is a strange thing to write given I am writing this blog on holiday, but for me the writing process is a way that I relax. Try and avoid technology where possible though. Instead of Netflix, go for a walk. Limit your need for technology, you will thank me for it!
Know What Relaxes You – Understand and know what relaxes you. Plan your holidays around this or these activities. Make sure you have put aside enough time to recharge. One of the things that relaxes me the most is being near the beach. I love it! I don’t plan a holiday that doesn’t incorporate time near the water. I enjoy surfing and bodyboarding with the children, (or just jumping waves and collecting shells with my youngest daughter) running along the beach, going for a walk. It may sound silly but being around the water helps me begin to slow down. It has become part of my relaxation routine over the years.
Take A Power Nap – You’re on holiday! Don’t be afraid to take a power nap in the middle of the day, by the beach or pool, in your hotel. This is your time to rejuvenate.
We all need to use our time effectively to deal with demands at work, to reduce stress and simply live happier, more fulfilled lives. Fatigue (ie ‘feeling tired’) is a real thing even if you try and put it off it will eventually catch up to you. You need to take the time to fill the meter and ensure that you don’t forget to fully recharge. This will ensure that you continue to operate at your best for the people around you, your family, friends and co-workers and customers.

How do you recharge your batteries? What works for you? Share your thoughts below.
This article is originally published at www.matthewcossens.com/blog/
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